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Hillview Junior High School

Home of the Warriors

Hillview Junior High School

Home of the Warriors


Heidi Leber, PRINCIPAL

Heidi Leber, PRINCIPAL

Welcome Back Hillview Warriors!
We hope everyone is relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new school year. The Hillview staff is excited to meet our incoming 6th graders and welcome our rising 7th and 8th graders back to school. 
We look forward to continuing our partnership with families to support our Warriors growth as they navigate junior high and prepare for high school and beyond. We welcome and value our families' positive energy and dedication to excellence in education, and look forward to working with you and your children.
Let's have an amazing year Warriors!
Ms. Leber
Martha Campos, VICE PRINCIPAl

Martha Campos, VICE PRINCIPAl

Estoy muy agradecida de ver a nuestros estudiantes regresar con tanto entusiasmo. Espero ver a nuestros estudiantes alcanzar sus metas mientras pasan por los pasillos de Hillview todos los días. A medida que pase el año espero conocerlos y seguir felicitándolos por sus logros. Este año superviso a los alumnos de 6.º grado A-L y a todos los de 7.º grado.
I'm very grateful to see our students return with such enthusiasm.  I look forward to seeing our students achieve their goals as they pass through the Hillview hallways every day.  As the year progresses, I hope to get to know them and continue to congratulate them on their acheivements.  This year I oversee the 6th graders A-L and all of the 7th graders.

Mrs. Campos-Lopez, Hillview JHS Vice Principal



(925) 473-2380 ext. 2384
6th Grade A-L
7th Grade